Saturday, May 16, 2009

Plastics Make it Possible

An earlier post on this site brought attention to the unusual phemomenon of what could be called "generalized marketing." Specifically, the recent string of high fructose corn syrup advertising was discussed - but there are many others: We've all been told to "behold the power of cheese" and that beef is, evidently, "what's for dinner."

A lighthearted point was made, being that the more ambigious an ad campaign, the more potentially dubious it's product. This is not to say that beef and cheese are evil, but only Homer Simpson would eat "Beefy Cheese Savory Sugar Snacks" daily if given the opportunity.

None of this marketing, though, has been so pointedly ambiguous as that put forth by the American Plastics Council, who tout the abilityof their product to make "it" possible "every day" for "every generation." See for yourself:

Now, a different sort of plastics"commercial":

I guess thePlastics Council wasn't lying, after all.

Lastly, and in case you're wondering, here's what the Great Pacific Garbage Patch looks like:

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